“Aspiring Writer” Is A Label That’s Holding You Back

By Kate Krake

Author Mindset

Do you call yourself an “aspiring” writer?

I once surveyed a few hundred writers on ideas of what it means to be a writer, issues of a writer’s mindset, and different ideas of success. The group was made up of new writers, emerging writers, seasoned professionals, and those labeling themselves as “aspiring” writers.

In one question, I asked the group to identify the difference between an “aspiring writer” and a “writer”.

The answers included these ideas…

Writers are published, aspiring writers aren’t.

Real writers write full-time, aspiring writers do it on the side.

Aspiring writers do not yet have the skills to be real writers.

Aspiring writers don’t have a body of work.

Aspiring writers spend time thinking about being a writer but without writing.

Confidence to claim the title “writer”.

Three are true. The rest are nonsense.

It’s true, aspiring writers do not have a body of work. They often spend a lot of time thinking about being a writer (and doing a lot of other stuff) without actually writing. It’s true that claiming the title of “writer” is often just a matter of confidence.

The rest is not true.

A writer who has not as yet been published is a writer who aspires to be a published writer. This person is still a real writer.

Writers work part time, casual hours, full time, and everything in between. The time spent in the writing process has nothing to do with the state of being a writer.

Writers come in all skill levels. Even a seasoned professional writer has room to improve their skills. New writers just beginning to learn their craft can still be writers.

What is An Aspiring Writer?

The would-be writer who uses this label wants to be a writer. They feels ideas, feels the words and sentences. They feels the stories inside.

Aspiring writers are compelled to write, but don’t. They want to write, but don’t. They think about how great it would be to be a writer and often got some ideal in their heads about what that looks like. They might sometimes write a little.

They might record ideas in journals, scribble little things with the hope of one day turning them into something great. Sometimes, they might get out one first draft, and that will be the end of it.

An aspiring writer might often write a lot of beginnings with no middles or ends. They have plans but no products and does not yet have the means to turn plans into products. Maybe they talk to others about writing dreams, or perhaps the aspiring writer quietly holds these desires close to their heart.

An aspiring writer yearns to write; it’s in there deep. But they don’t write.

Are you an aspiring writer?

Take a breath. There’s a hard truth coming…

You’re not a writer.

An aspiring writer will never be a writer.

Aspiring is a meaningless null state that romanticizes Not Writing.

Chuck Wendig (25 Things I Want To Say To So-Called Aspiring Writers)

An aspiring writer is one thing with an idea of maybe, one day being something else.

There’s no such thing as an aspiring plumber or an aspiring taxi driver. There are apprentices, and there are beginners. But the difference between an apprentice trade or craftsperson, or any other profession, is that these entry level workers are still doing the work.

A writer needs to do the work.

Aspirations are dreams, and everyone needs dreams. But dreams get you nothing unless you’re working to make them a reality.

That was the hard truth.

And here’s the good news…

You can be a writer.

If you want it. If you’re willing to do the work and live the life, and it just takes a single moment to start.

Here’s the moment…

Stop calling yourself an aspiring writer.

Stop wanting to write. Write.

If you call yourself an “aspiring writer” and you do write regularly, even if it’s just for yourself, then stop selling yourself short and own the title.


Be a writer.

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