What’s The Worst Writing Advice?
All writing and publishing advice is subjective. Except this one piece of writing advice….
All writing and publishing advice is subjective. Except this one piece of writing advice….
Many of us WANT to write but really struggle to get the words onto the page. Here are a few scenarios that might explain this conundrum, and solutions to overcome them.
Just like any other area of our lives, our writing requires investment, too. Not just financially, but emotionally, mentally, and physically.
In the modern writing and publishing world, the simple essence of what writing is really about too often gets buried under tangled layers upon tangled layers of complexity and extraneous demands. Here’s how to simplify it all.
With so much advice and guidance, and so many options for writers, it’s easy to drown in writing advice overwhelm. Here’s how to handle it.
Are you a writer who wants everything to be in order before starting your writing? Here’s how to get the writing done first, and why that might make all that other stuff even easier to complete.
We all have subconscious habits limiting our creative potential, but we might not all know how to identify these habits, let alone change them. Here’s how to do both.
Stop wasting time as a writer by ditching waiting. Discover how holding out for the perfect conditions is holding your writing life back.
Sometimes there are excellent reasons to quit a writing project. Sometimes it is best for us to push on through and finish a novel or a story, even though everything inside is begging us to quit.
Writing courses can only teach so much. The real learning that all writers need to go through comes from actually writing.