The Best Way To Market A Book
Marketing is actually really simple, not gross, and can be fun. But to understand how that works, we first have to understand what book marketing truly is.
Marketing is actually really simple, not gross, and can be fun. But to understand how that works, we first have to understand what book marketing truly is.
Should statements are misaligned pressures and unfocused obligations. Left unchecked, SHOULDs can ruin a creative mind, but managed, they can be a powerful tool.
When life’s stresses get the better of us, how does a writer keep getting words down?
Writers and other creatives talk a lot about Resistance. Do you really know what Resistance feels like? Will you know when Resistance has its claws in you?
If we change the way we think about business, then running an author business becomes just as fun and creative as the rest of the writing life.
We need to live in order to have something to write about. How do writers live a life worth writing about?
If we want to write a life-changing book, we must write the books that will change our lives first. That’s the only guarantee.
Why do you write? There are a million different answers to why a writer writes, and none of them are wrong, but if your answer isn’t right for you, then things will get difficult.
Do you call yourself a writer? Do you feel comfortable using the title writer? When are you a real writer and get to use the title?
An aspiring writer is not a writer. But an aspiring writer can be a writer. It’s all about doing the work and having the confidence to claim the title.