The Art of Creative Scheduling
Creative scheduling means working however you can with a basic structure of time in a way that aligns with your goals and values.
Creative scheduling means working however you can with a basic structure of time in a way that aligns with your goals and values.
When life’s stresses get the better of us, how does a writer keep getting words down?
Writers and other creatives talk a lot about Resistance. Do you really know what Resistance feels like? Will you know when Resistance has its claws in you?
Most writers have wanted to quit working on a project. When is it right to quit? When is it right to push through to the end?
How does a writer deal with an overwhelming abundance of ideas? Should you work on multiple projects or focus on one idea at a time?
If we change the way we think about business, then running an author business becomes just as fun and creative as the rest of the writing life.
We need to live in order to have something to write about. How do writers live a life worth writing about?
Creativity is an infinite resource, and the more we use, the more we have.
Yet, paradoxically, creativity also requires replenishment. It drains out of us the more we use it.
For a writer, working in a dedicated work space can go a long way in enhancing focus and productivity, even creativity.
Turning off the internet to focus is a short-term solution that does not address the core reasons we get distracted. Here’s how to really focus and write.