Fuel Your Creative Writing with Dormant Talents And Rediscovered Passions
Your unique combination of years of different activities, different interests, different mediums, are a treasure trove of information and inspiration.
Your unique combination of years of different activities, different interests, different mediums, are a treasure trove of information and inspiration.
You don’t have to justify your creative choices to anyone, not even yourself.
We all have subconscious habits limiting our creative potential, but we might not all know how to identify these habits, let alone change them. Here’s how to do both.
Stop wasting time as a writer by ditching waiting. Discover how holding out for the perfect conditions is holding your writing life back.
Sometimes there are excellent reasons to quit a writing project. Sometimes it is best for us to push on through and finish a novel or a story, even though everything inside is begging us to quit.
Marketing is actually really simple, not gross, and can be fun. But to understand how that works, we first have to understand what book marketing truly is.
What does it mean to live and work in alignment with your authentic creative nature? What even defines creative authenticity?
Writing courses can only teach so much. The real learning that all writers need to go through comes from actually writing.
Kaleidoscopic Creativity is combining different creative practices, patterns, processes and tools in order to create a rich, infinitely detailed, ever changing and always astoundingly beautiful creative life.
Write what you know is valuable writing advice to a point. Writing what you DON’T know is the gateway to discovery, creativity, and growth.