Welcome to The Creative Writing Life…
The Creative Writing Life helps writers achieve success by supporting healthy mindsets and sustainable creative practices.
Unlike a lot of other popular writing websites, The Creative Writing Life is run by an actual working writer, not just someone who only writes about writing.
I believe that by pursuing meaningful, purposeful writing projects, and bringing a sense of creative play into our work, we writers can achieve our creative goals and lead fulfilling, successful lives both on and off the page.
About The Author

My name is Kate Krake. I’ve been a writer for most of my life, and professionally for about fifteen years.
I write fantasy fiction, poetry, and nonfiction for writers.
I also write paranormal romance and personal development under two different pen names.
I have written over thirty novels for myself (with eight currently published), seven non-fiction books, and countless articles and posts.
I have previously worked as a writer for hire as a content writer, music journalist, clickbait journalist, blogger, copywriter, editor, and ghostwriter. These days I only write for myself… and for YOU!
Find my current fiction work here – www.katekrakefiction.com
Find my poetry here – www. liminalverse.com
Find my work on tarot for writers here – www.tarotwriters.com
The Creative Writing Life represents my beliefs about what it means to me to live a fulfilling creative writer’s life. It is also a space where I form my thoughts, opinions, and aspirations in real time. Even though I’ve been writing for a long, long time, I’m still learning about the writing life right alongside with you.
The Creative Writing Life Resources
Books and free articles are the core resources of The Creative Writing Life.
You can find free articles on creativity, writing practice, and author mindset here.
I have written numerous books for writers. You can see the list of available and forthcoming Creative Writing Life titles here.
If you are interested in the books I have written on tarot for writers, please go here.
The Creative Writing Life newsletter comes out once a month (or thereabouts).
In it you will find discussions on the writer’s life, updates on new books and other resources, sneak peeks on new releases, helpful resources from TCWL sponsors, giveaways, and more.
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The following list of writer services are tools I use daily in my writing career. I stand by each of these resources as excellent tools that will help any writer write and publish their books. These are affiliate links which means that when you use any of the products or services in this list, I receive a small portion of that sale. This in no way alters the way you use the service. I only have affiliate relationships with products I genuinely trust, use, and recommend.
Nothing on this site or its related content (including but not limited to books, courses, newsletter content) should replace professional medical advice, psychological advice, financial advice, professional career advice or professional help of any kind.
The Creative Writing Life is developed by a professional writer with a passion for storytelling, creativity, personal development and wellbeing. Health care professionals, financial professionals, career professionals, business or marketing or any other experts have not been consulted unless otherwise specifically stated.